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House Facilities

What you'll need:



Forgot yours or don't have one? Don't worry, you can borrow ours.



Please bring a large towel to cover your mat for our hot classes.



A bottle of still water is free with your class pass, additional available to purchase.

Studio Etiquette

Arriving on Time:

Our door is open 15 minutes before the class begins, please arrive at least 10 minutes before class to settle in & set up your mat.


Respecting the Space:

Maintain a calm atmosphere and be mindful of noise levels when entering or leaving the studio.



Keep your belongings tidy and organised in designated areas, please do not leave belongings in the changing cubicles. 

We have mats & props for you to borrow, if you wish to use them please clean them after use.



Please ensure phones and other devices are silenced before entering the studio.


Being Mindful of Space:

If the class is full you may be required to adjust the placement of your mat to provide adequate space for everyone.


Staying for Savasana:

Participate in the entire class, including the final few moments in relaxation (Savasana) - trust us, you’ll love it. If it's absolutely necessary to leave early, please inform the instructor before the class starts.


Using Facilities:

We kindly request that you respect the turnaround time after your class.

We provide facilities for changing and showering after your session, to ensure the smooth transition for the next class, we kindly ask that you vacate the premises within 30 minutes after your class concludes, allowing ample time for the next session to begin promptly.

Your cooperation is greatly appreciated in helping us maintain the schedule for all practitioners.

Thank you for taking the time to read our studio etiquette guidelines before attending our classes.
See you soon!

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